Saturday, June 15, 2013

Golden City Gun Club Shoot - IPSC Practical Shooting


I love shooting day.

I'm always up early to get ready for the day.
This morning was a crisp 5deg when we left home at 0745. We are just half an hour away from Golden City Gun Club.


JP On The Line

 When we got there we registered and everyone was looking for a spot in the sun. 
There is loads of joking about my pink gun belt and how ladies always want to look good when shooting, but actually they have it all wrong. The ladies are not worried how they look and there is no pressure on us to shoot well so nine times out of ten we don't do too bad.

Richard In Surrender Position

The ranges today were really enjoyable. They had hidden targets and at some you had to stretch yourself out over the demarcated area of shooting to see your target. Windows to shoot through and windows opened by shooting a plate to release it. Sometimes we shot one had only and a runner and swinger finished off our day.

Richard Doing His Thing
Today I felt much better and not as nervous as at my first shoot last month. 
At every shoot you learn more about the rules and regulations.
Thanks Leroy for being patient with us and also thanks to the rest of our squad - Richard, Nuno, JP, Ronnie, Terrick.
Loved it. Loved it Loved it.

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