Thursday, November 14, 2013

Golden City Club Shoot

A Tiny Slit To Shoot Through
Whoop Whoop - One of my favourite days.
We received notification for the club shoot with the heading "Balls to the Wall"
6 Stages and you need 240 rounds of ammo.
Normally with a 6 stage shoot we would need between 150 and 170 rounds so this sounded like we were going to do some serious shooting.
RO Keeping a Watchful Eye
There were 6 stages of 40 rounds each.
The stages varied with poppers and targets. There were swingers and disappearing targets.
But the secret of the shoot was the strategy that you were going to use with the magazine changes.
Each shooter had a different outlook on the stage.
I loved the long stages and am really pleased with my STI 40 now that my jams are sorted out.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Golden City Club Shoot

Saturday and Sunday were two days of eating, drinking, sleeping, dreaming shooting.

The longest shooting days we have ever had.

The heat was extreme and the dust with all the new ranges being build for the SA Champs at Golden City next year left us hot and bothered.

Not enough to take away the sheer joy of shooting.

Ten stages with minimum of 179 shots and we decided to shoot Standard and Production Divisions. That meant twenty stages and loads of ammo.

Richard was once again very accurate but the time plays havoc with the score when we have these jams

I had one really disastrous round where the Range Officer had to unjam my gun it was that

Sunday was Production Class for us with our CZ Shadow 9mms.

My time improved vastly and once again we learned loads.

One thing that is a great advantage learned today, but took two or three stages to master was that the first shot in Production is mostly double action unless told otherwise in the stage brief. Now we learned that you can half cock the hammer and it is still deemed double action on the first shot.

Much easier when you get the hang of it.

Thanks to everyone that shot with us.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Golden City Club Shoot

We arrived back from the Namaqualand Flower tour to beautiful weather. Good enough to pack away the winter jackets and jerseys.

Lo and behold this morning we woke up to an icy wind and it is shooting day, so out come the warm woollies again.

 It's the Cape's fault - it is snowing
down there again.

In the end our weather turned out lovely but then again when we start shooting, then the elements are non existent to us.

Once again Richard was very accurate -  just a few jams today. Three full house stages.
My gun is still not feeding properly (not making excuses)and I went through all the teasing of not straightening my arms and having limp wrists.  Richard and I then changed guns and he had had the jams. Whew was I relieved - I wouldn't have heard the end of it.

Thanks Heinrich, Tinus, Albert, Glenn, JP and Erwin - it was good shooting with you and thanks for all the tips.

Once again I had an absolutely awesome time. I always do when I shoot.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Golden City Shooting Club

Saturday saw us out at Golden City Shooting Club again.

It's one of my favourite pastimes as you all know.

We had a really good shoot and Richard had some amazing scores.

I think all the finer points with our reloading is being sorted as on Saturday we only had one or two jams.

We shot with some real good shooters and what I love is that the shooters are always more than willing to help you sort out your faults and help you improve.

I need to work on my Grip. I start off correct and somewhere along the line - could be with the mag change - I change it. 

Thanks to Peter, Colin and Alex. We loved shooting with you.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Golden City Shooting Club

Sunday was still cold but we had to go and shoot as we missed last months shoot when we went down to Thaba Nchu to the quad weekend away.

Most of the shooters take part on the Saturday of the weekend shoot so very few shooters pitched up for the shoot.

We felt a bit rust as we haven't shot for about 5 weeks I think but scores were not too bad.

The club is undergoing a major face lift and loads of sand is being brought in for new ranges as Golden City is going to host the National Championships.

I must say that they are jacked up in comparison to other clubs. They always have interesting ranges and the grounds are always well cared for.

I love shooting there.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Golden City Shooting Club - IPSC

This was a full weekend of shooting for us.
We have been in a squad where we were tested for safety but now that we have been up graded we are free to shoot at any time.
Normally we only shoot on a Saturday and when we do we shoot in the Standard Division with our STI 40 calabre. 
We have been concentratting on accuarcy more than speed to get going at first.
Thjis weekend we decided to shoot on the Sunday as well and try out our 9mm pistols.
Never shot competition with them before and never shot in the Production Division before.
Thank goodness we were in a squad that was there just to enjoy and not put stress on us.
My main obsticle was the first shot that had to be double action which we don't normally do and it was like I was actually watching the hammer come back SLOWLY so that my shot didn't go over the berns on anywhere it shouldn't.
I am sure I am going to be somewhere down the bottom of the log in this Production DIvision but once again, I loved every minute of shooting.
Thanks all who shot with us on Saturday:- Wayne, Mark andBardev.
Then all the Laughs on Sunday with:- Bennet, Brendan and Humphrey.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Golden City Shooting Club

Heading for the Safety Area to Holster guns
Yesterday saw the last of our induction and safety training for IPSC at Golden City Shooting Club.
Our last leg was just a safety aspect that we had to undergo and now it is green light for us to shoot leaugue and partake in other club and provincial shoots.
Yesterday we shot with the experienced shooters and there was no time for dilly dally and idle chatter. 
It is down to shooting business and all were ever so willing to give advise and praise when needed.
This is what we came to do and we just absolutely love it.
Next week is a club shoot again and we are going to try out our new guns in a seperate division, but all about that next week.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Golden City Gun Club Shoot - IPSC Practical Shooting


I love shooting day.

I'm always up early to get ready for the day.
This morning was a crisp 5deg when we left home at 0745. We are just half an hour away from Golden City Gun Club.


JP On The Line

 When we got there we registered and everyone was looking for a spot in the sun. 
There is loads of joking about my pink gun belt and how ladies always want to look good when shooting, but actually they have it all wrong. The ladies are not worried how they look and there is no pressure on us to shoot well so nine times out of ten we don't do too bad.

Richard In Surrender Position

The ranges today were really enjoyable. They had hidden targets and at some you had to stretch yourself out over the demarcated area of shooting to see your target. Windows to shoot through and windows opened by shooting a plate to release it. Sometimes we shot one had only and a runner and swinger finished off our day.

Richard Doing His Thing
Today I felt much better and not as nervous as at my first shoot last month. 
At every shoot you learn more about the rules and regulations.
Thanks Leroy for being patient with us and also thanks to the rest of our squad - Richard, Nuno, JP, Ronnie, Terrick.
Loved it. Loved it Loved it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Golden city - IPSC Practical Shooting

All Positions
Saturday brought sunny skies and perfect weather for our first club shoot.
I was packed the night before because the last thing I wanted was to rush around in the morning and when I get to the range find out that I had something missing for the day.
All the trainees were in thesame squad but we looked pretty
Swinging Bridge
professional.I put on a very brave and calm face but inside everything was upside down.
Eight stages lay before us and on the very first Range it was prone kneeling and then standing position. By the time I got to the standing position I could see my gun shake in my hand from the adrenalin pumping.
Targets ranged from 5 meters to 35 meters and swingers, runners, spinners and swinging bridges were thrown at us. All in all a pretty good start for us all, the amatuers.
The bug has really bitten us and we can't wait for the next shoot.
It will take loads of practice but with time I am sure we will raise our time and accuracy.
Just thrilling that we enjoy this so much

IPSC Practical Shooting - Huntex

Two weekends ago we attended the Huntex Show again and I cant believe an entire year has passed since we decided on taking up Hand Gun Shooting. 
At that time we had no idea of what we wanted to shoot.
We were looking at IDPA at the time of the show. 
I did not even have my competency certificate let alone my gun licence, so I am proud of the progress that I have made and can now inform you that I have all the legal documents and licenses that go with the sport. I am a member of Golden City Shooting Club in Johannesburg and now take part in IPSC shooting.
I shoot in the Standard Class with an STI Edge 40 and my second firearm license has just been approved for my CZ Shadow 9mm to shoot Production Class.
We are also getting all jacked up with the reloading of our ammunition - only reloaded for the 40 so far, but far more economical than buying new.
At the Huntex show we purchased a Sonic Cleaner for the ammunition and firearm parts and the difference in appreance in major. The Sonic Cleaner gets to the parts that you can not do by hand or normal tumbling. We will now see if there is a difference when we fire them as we have experienced a few jams. (Maybe just a bit of inexperienfce with the reloading, but we are correcting our faults as we learn and not having as many as in the beginning.)
Looking forward to some good shooting this year.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Induction Training at Golden City - IPSC Practical Shooting

Saturday 6th April 2013 saw us continue our induction training at Golden City Shooting Club.
Now that we are tying up all the loose ends on the farm we will be regular shooters at the club, so can't wait to get the induction traing under the belt and start shooting competition.
Quite a few new shooters have joined again and it is really good to see that the clyb is growing.
This session we did our first full line of fire. Exciting stuff. Targets to the left, then on the right. Some ten to fifteen meteres away and two right on our feet. Also a good test
Our Home Made Targets
under an obsticle, so down on the tummy and trying to not shoot the hostages. Loads of fun.
We still have a few weeks on the farm so home made targets are still the order of the day for us at home. 
We are sure going to miss this when we move back to the city. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Shooting and Rock Rabbits - IPSC Practical Shooting

Saturday was another induction training session at Golden City Shooting Club. 
On the Range

Quite a few new members have joined again and it is great to see a club that is so active.

There is so much to learn and once again safety is the key issue with the IPSC shooting discipline.

This session concentrated on the different starting commands as all course of fire does not start the same, so concentration is required and you have to remember if you are loaded and racked or just loaded or neither of the previous.

We also practiced shooting when it was necessary to kneel and then using only one hand - both strong and weak hand.

Now it is working on muzzle direction, finger off the trigger and accuracy. The speed will come. 

Cheeky Rock Rabbit
I just love it.

Those who follow my blogs will know I always have my camera with me and just as always there was something worthwhile to show.

As I was walking from the club house to the shooting stations I heard what at first sounded like a bird squawking. I always have to know and see and lo and behold - a rock rabbit sitting on the tyre barrier sneering at us. Definitely not afraid of us and not perturbed by all the gun fire. I had never seen a rock rabbit in real life and always thought they were agile little creatures. This one looked real mean.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Shooting, Shooting and More Shooting - IPSC Practical Shooting

So how about a very exciting weekend in my life. 
Who ever said that a Gran has to knit and sew. Not this one. I am now the "Shooting Nan"
This weekend there were two firsts for me.
ISPC Club Instructor
If you have been following my blogs you will know that we had looked into the sporting disciple of IPSC and that we had purchased handguns. I had to do my Competency Certificate as I had never owned a gun before but all the legal side and paper work was completed late in 2012 and now it was time to start shooting at the club.
We joined Golden City Gun Club in Johannesburg and on Saturday was our first induction shoot.
Rules and regulations were explained to us and safety which is a major issue at the club was drilled into us. Some target shooting and getting used to our rigs was the order of the day.
I absolutely loved it. Many times I had to be corrected (not life threatening offenses) as the adrenalin pumped through me but slowly I became more comfortable with my handgun. 
Richard and I both are shooting in the standard division with 40mm pistols.
STI - Edge 40
Now we are eagerly awaiting our second lesson and then it will be onto the range for our first club shoot. Fortunately we can get some practice in as we live on the farm most of the time which is a great advantage for us.

So that was Saturday. Then came Sunday.
Richard and the youngest son normally go to the "Maglite Shoots" which is a clay target shooting competition, shot in Babsfontein just outside Johannesburg. Unfortunately the son could not accompany Richard so I made a wild suggestion that I would go along and try my hand.
I have on a few occasions shot at the Christmas Shoot and a few shots on the farm, but never an official competition.
Here I was with seventy other shooters - all men - entered into this Sporting shoot, wearing Richard's old shooting jacket, my pockets filled with ammo and my gun (sorry Richard's gun) over my shoulder. I tried to look the part as naturally as possible. 
With the first few clays I was at a complete loss but soon I started picking up a few and whatever Richard had taught me started coming back and so the morning went on. By the time I had shot at sixty clays I could feel the strain in my arms and shoulder, but there was no way I was going to show it. Not in front of the men. I completed the hundred clay course and then seeing that I was the only lady I was even in line for a prize.
All I wanted was not to be bottom of the leader board and with a score of 45 there were four shooters (men) below me.
To great applause I went up and received a lovely lantern (Maglite manufactures torches and lamps, etc) which will always remind me of my first Clay Target Competition. 
Who knows, I might even decide later that I would like to shoot this as well.
A Message for all grans - Get out there and try your hand at something new, it invigorates your life, brings smiles to your face and gets your heart pumping.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Golden City Shooting Club - IPSC Practical Shooting

We were snowed under with our school camps towards the end of last year and then it was the Christmas break when we do not really get the opportunity to leave the farm as the staff are all on leave and now it is the first term hussle and bussle again so our formal shooting is not on the road yet but we still get practice in on the farm.
We have however joined Golden City Shooting Club, the Central Gauteng Practical Shooting (CGPSA)  and the South African Pistol (SAPSA) and in later in January we will do our Induction Training at the club and be all set to take part in club shoots.
It has taken us a few months to get to this position being so far from Johannesburg and waiting for Competence Certificates and Licenses and also then we run a business with very odd hours.
I am most excited about all this and can wait to get to Golden City the end of the month.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Some Target Practice on Rich Ranch

Getting Some Practice In.
We are really excited to get started with our IPSC Shooting but with being busy on the farm we can not get to the clubs or official shoots at this time.
Our gun licenses are issued so we could collect our guns and set up our rigging. It's quite a bit of business to get set up.
A lot of ammunition is used so it s far more economical to reload your own. For this we had to set up a reloading machine and after measuring and adjusting for hours we eventually had everything correct. Everything has to be perfectly weighed and measure otherwise you might just loose a finger or two or damage you gun barrel. 
We are getting up to date with all the rules and there is an entire rule book to adhere to. The safety and procedure during a shoot is vitally important
Fortunately fr us living on the farm we can set up a range of our own and get some practice rounds in. 
This is an entirely new sport for us and we are enjoying every minute of it so far.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's all green lights and go for us now.
My license was issued last week and we have had  temporary licenses issed so that we can at least collect our guns from Dave Sheer.
We have been having a few practice rounds with Richard's STI. We set up a range of our own just to get used to the guns.
Our business has kept us a bit busy so we have not been through to Johannesburg yet, hence my gun not being collected.
Next week we have a break and will then be looking into all the rigging to be used for competition and also the reloading that we will do.
We have done quite a bit of research about the reloading and it looks like we are going to go with the Dillon System.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

License Issued - IPSC Practical Shooting

We have been following up on a regular basis with a call to the Police Station every week.
Last week Monday we had confirmation that Richard's license was approved in Pretoria and the actual license would make it's way first to Nelspruit and then to Middelburg.
Good news for him but I have call every day since then for news on my license but no luck so far. It must still be sitting on someone's desk.
Our guns are ready and mine has been plated on the slide. I have not seen it since this has been done.
Can't wait to get on the shooting range. 
Holding thumbs it will be any day now. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Competency Certificates Issued

In great anticipation we waited for our certificates and so,surprise above all surprises, last week they arrived. 
We have had everything ready for our gun licenses for a few weeks now so we just needed a day to tie the two together and get the ball rolling.
The motivation and certified documents must all be included in your application. ID photos and now the SAPS does not check your safe anymore, so you photograph the relevant safe and the photos go in with your application.
Everything has been submitted to SAPS and  we will patiently wait. Shouldn't be long and so far we are running on schedule.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Update on Practical (IPSC) Shooting SA

We followed up on the Competency Certificate at the Police Station on Tuesday and all that has to be checked now still are the finger prints and we will have all documentation for the license.
We are slightly off the time SAPS quoted but still impressed if we hear how long some people have waited for their documentation.
Fingers are itchy - I can't wait to get started.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Start of IPSA Practical Shooting

The Start of a new Sport for us.
Our interest lies in IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation)
I have never owned a gun so for me it is starting right at the beginning.
I am hoping that all the information here will be of use anyone interested in the sport and should you have a view, please feel free to add your piece here. We can all benefit from collective information.  
I have now completed my written Competency Certificate Course and the practical shooting section. I have opted to do my Competency Certificate in Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun and Carbine. This leaves my options open should I decide to take part in 3Gun events later on.
My Competency Certificate was issued by Gerrie van Deventer from Coalfields Firearm and Trade Assessing and then all the documentation went in to the SAPS complete with photograph and fingerprints. Now I just to wait for the official Competency Certificate that will be issued by SAPS.
In the mean time we have been visiting various clubs and gun shops to see what our options are.
Near Alberton there is Golden City Shooting Club with Lovely ranges and we have been present when they have had a League Shoot.  All looks well organized.
In Pretoria there is Vektor Club where all the members had all the time in the world to inform us of all the ins and outs of the sport.
We will have to decide where we are going to join as we are virtually half way between the two clubs.
Now finding the right handgun is also another major decision to make. What class are you going to shoot? What calibre are you going to shoot? Are you going to shoot Major or Minor? The list goes on and on and eventually if you listen to everyone and their opinions you will lose the plot. You have to make a decision and move on from there.
We have both selected to shoot with a 40 calibre handgun in the Standard Division. I am taking a bit of a gamble with the larger calibre but if you do not challenge yourself what good is it taking part.
I am really excited about this venture and cannot wait to get started. There is so much to learn, so many new people to meet, so many goals to set and challenges to meet.